Talk comments

Not your typical Marco (speaking about Doctrine)... Excellent lecture with great examples

Great introduction to how once can start contributing to the PHP core even without extensive knowledge in C. The speaker walked us trough getting an idea for a new function, implementing it (by getting inspiration from similar code) and getting it merged trough the RFC process.

One little nitpick he sometimes skipped from one thing to the other quite fast and I couldn't understand what exactly he was saying. However that's probably because we both aren't native English speakers.

Nice topic, but there could be more energy while speaking

Miro Svrtan at 14:18 on 27 Oct 2018

Topic is really interesting, Pawel did a good job but at moments I feel it had too much theory and not enough personal experiences and or suggestions inside.

For 4*: add some examples or suggestions on topics, there was more than enough time left to have those sprinkled
For 5*: at moments speaker was monotonous, should be raising/lowering the voice in order to give focus on some details

Adam Matysiak at 14:18 on 27 Oct 2018

Link to my slides:

Nice speech about branding ElePHPant

Miro Svrtan at 14:14 on 27 Oct 2018

It was really nice to hear all the ElePHPants stories. I liked the topic, speaker was interesting but I'm not sure this is a material for a keynote.

If you ever wonder how DI containers work and how they got where they are in PHP this is the talk for you. Beau showed different examples from his own experience and how each framework and library handles the concept. What they did right and what they did wrong and ended up with a short history of the evolution of the Symfony DI component up until the current version that fully supports autowiring.

All the stories were fascinating, from the birth of the original elePHPant to getting one to Antarctica.
Overall the keynote was interesting, fun and inspiring.

The talk included a good overview of different injection container implementations and usage examples. The speaker kind of followed the evolution of injection containers in the PHP world, exposing the pros and cons of different solutions (Pimple, Laravel Container, Symfony DIC) and their development in time/versions.
Good informative talk with clear code examples. Useful information, regardless if you worked with dependency injection containers before or that was your first time hearing a talk on the topic.