Talk comments

Seldom do speakers present topics both interesting and almost completely unheard of. Would dig to see you continue with this tech to the point where someone takes it on a their baby. Definitely potential in this format.

Excellent talk. I love hearing your talks - you are always spot on.

Excellent talk. You covered a nice mix of content at a nice pace.

You did a great job, especially considering it's not your primary language. Might want to slow it down a little - the is a massive amount of detail in the talk.

Hi fives bro, was totes flippen lank bra.

Umm, sorry, was really great dude, entertaining, well delivered and concise. I think the examples were good and the demo was great. We need to fill the gap, so even if AMF turns out not to be the answer, at least you had a go.


Great Talk by Rasmus!

Loved the following two quotes he made during the conference: "I didn't write PHP for you, I wrote it for me." and "I'm not a PHP developer. I'm a C developer. PHP is not written in PHP."

It is very clear that this guy has been on stage before. Very good job of bringing his point across and very good job at covering multiple scenarios. Handled himself extremely well during Q&A as well.

Loved the client stories. Excellent job of linking the content of the talk to the stories. Often people forget that it is not just about the code, but also the tools we use along with the code. I really hope to see more presentations similar to this one. Wim was also amazing on stage. Very calm and clear. Hope to see him in SA again.

Had the pleasure of working with this guy for a while, but this was the first time I see him up on a stage. Very well presented and can't wait to get my hands on the repo. Now to start looking for excuses to use AMF.

Very cool introduction to how you need to launch your open source project. Not enough people know this stuff. Thomas also did a very good job on stage. Calm and clear.