I really enjoyed this talk, and I always love seeing a talk about how to better abstract code. Barney's explanation of the reasons why you would do this and how you go about it was very good. I was already familiar with event dispatchers, so the introduction of commands the differences to events was really handy.
Although I commend Barney for avoiding the FooBar style examples - as someone who has never seen Battlestar Galatica though I found myself at times trying too hard to understand the example subject matter and occasionally could not keep up with the explanation of the implementation.
The slides themselves need some work.
The code samples are screen captures straight out of PHPStorm and although the default PHPStorm syntax highlighting is great if you are looking at it for 7 hours a day, it's hard to read on a slide that only shows for 30 seconds, on a screen that's got stage lighting against it and being broadcast into an overflow room. I would recommend the default github style (which you can get for PHPStorm) as it is much higher contrast and white backgrounds work better for projected slides yet still familiar. There are other alternatives too, many of the speakers at this event did this well for other examples.
I'd also recommend looking at those code snippets and really thinking about how much of that code is actually needed for the point that's being made. Some slides the text size was just too small because there was a whole class of code on screen.
Thanks for speaking and well done on a very strong first talk!
An extremely impressive live demo - to be that confident in the system running over conference wifi demonstrated how well it works.
There is a lot to cover in this system, with PHP, Pusher and Vue, I think it is hard to get a good balance across all 3 enough for someone to walk away from the talk feeling like they understand how it all works, particularly as a PHP developer if you are not familiar with Vue.
Because of this, I wonder whether perhaps there should be less focus on how the internals work or the existing widgets work, and more focus on how to get it running and how to make a new widget for it. The rest could be explored via other mediums (such as the excellent blog post that already exists).
Many thanks to Freek and the Spatie team for another great open source project. I hope to share the code for the custom widgets I have made for this dashboard in the coming weeks.
The talk was well paced - not too fast (the bunny breaks helped) and she talked with great enthusiasm and was light hearted throughout. I feel that Lorna could take the even driest of talk topics and engage me in it.
I would say however that I did get lost a little in knowing what the difference is between a HTTP post request and a webhook is. (Something I feel silly for not getting or already having an understanding of). A quick google mid-talk helped the penny drop and I was back on board. I'm fairly sure this was just me not understanding something but I thought I'd flag it as it was the only thing I could find fault with. Perhaps a more visual representation of webhooks as a 'reverse' api would help where I didn't catch on from Lorna's explanation.
Great practical look at moving to AWS. The talk title mis-lead me slightly, something it turns out Mike has already decided to tweak, because I thought it was about hidden AWS gems - but I was glad I went to this talk none the less as it was a really pragmatic look at moving an existing application - which was a refreshing change from the usual AWS talks and one that considered the business cases for rewrites much more.
Mike was confident and clear with his delivery, my only suggestions for improvement would be the slides. Although nicely laid out many of them had a lot of information on them - and I'd like to see these stepped-through rather than the whole slide displayed at once. Also sometimes the next slide would come on too quickly whilst the previous was explained, leaving me looking at just the title of the next section instead of the relevant diagram.
I'd recommend this talk to anyone considering a migration to AWS or even any cloud provider.
Was great to hear the history of the user groups and where they are. The message was a great one though - especially around how you can help your local user group beyond becoming a full-on organiser. I wonder if there was perhaps a missed opportunity to identify areas of the country that were not covered and see if there were people in the room that could get connected to start one ? after all phpdorset started this way almost by chance.
I felt the talk meandered slightly in the middle - but Jenny's passion and enthusiasm gave it a strong finish and it was a really good choice of opening keynote.
Decent talk on the basics for those not familiar with encryption, though some more depth in terms of the performance aspects of different algorithms would have been welcomed!
Great introduction to the topic delivered with confidence at a controlled pace.
Good talk, right level of detail for a varied skill level and impressive live demo.
You speak with great enthusiasm, and you have huge success to back you up :-) Great talk!
A very good talk that perhaps was a little unfortunate to be last on the running order. I think I will look out for the video for this one as I was finding it hard to concentrate at this point - which is no fault of Jachim's at all. I still felt I took away a lot from this talk even so - especially around the pitfalls of database level caching, and will be looking out for the speaker's name at future conferences.