Talk comments

Some great demos and examples of how to use Docker and PHP. Simplified a lot of the FUD about docker.

A good talk - but I think it tried to cram too much in. Skimmed over lots of topics very quickly so my takeaway was interest in a topic but with little practical experience ti implement any of it.

Interesting talk with good examples. Felt it was a little too focussed on Guzzle (felt a little like it was being plugged/advertised to me).

Great talk - learned plenty about new techniques.

Inspiring, educational and energetic. Ace talk

It was an interesting talk. I like hearing things like this. It made me think about how I approach people in communities more than I already think about it.

Clearly this is a talk close to Kayla's heart and life. I wholeheartedly agree with the gender division enforced on our kids from such a young age. I dislike that my two boys are encouraged to enjoy masculine things and discourages from creative style things by culture.


In terms of scheduling, this, IMHO, would have been a good track talk. It didn't feel like a keynote for such a large conference.

Very nice talk, shown me some mistakes I've done in past (i.e. cold turkey approach) and clearly a couple of good ways on how to deal with legacy code.

Jack Segal at 10:09 on 25 Feb 2016

I thought the talk was a bit dry and that he moved too fast. I think it would have been better to create a "real life problem" and use that one example all the way through, discussing the problems one would face and how they would face it.

Jack Segal at 10:07 on 25 Feb 2016

Great speaker with some good demos. Would have been nice to see the watch feature.

Jack Segal at 10:07 on 25 Feb 2016

Somehow managed to cover a wide range of topics. Rushed at times, but what do you expect when there is so much to cover. Gave a good overview of how you can integrate all of the tools together.