Talk comments

Hands down the most interesting talk of the day for me. But it was impossible to take notes and keep up with the pace of the presentation. Thank goodness the slides are available for post-conference digestion.

All you need to do is turn the dial back from 11...

I really enjoyed this talk. Lots of useful suggestions and a great "gotcha" in the middle!

Interesting talk that covered a wide ranging topic, the content was good but the delivery could have been faster.

I felt the PHP section could do with more attention, there are many ways that a bad configuration can affect the "speed of light".

Great talk and entertaining too. The quiz at the end was a pleasant surprise.

The only issue was the dark background for the code examples that made it difficult to read the text on the screen.

Adam Prescott at 17:34 on 15 Apr 2018

Pretty much what everyone else has said before me - Engaging and great talk from Liz. It has made me curious enough to look more into Cynefin.

Adam Prescott at 17:27 on 15 Apr 2018

The talk mostly felt like an overview of the OWASP Top 10 and examples of how they apply to PHP.

I think it would have been useful to see more practical examples of implementing Secure Code Reviews and how they might fit into existing organisations and processes. Some examples of DREAD and CVSS in use would have been useful too, with an overview of how each metric is evaluated.

Nicola did a great job of presenting the information in an engaging way though.

Great coverage of a very confusing topic.

Very insightful talk, learnt allot about PostgreSQL and CouchDB.

Adam Prescott at 17:12 on 15 Apr 2018

Really enjoyed the talk, Mark brought his own personal stories to it which is a nice way to add the human aspect to it. Mark was also informative throughout the process providing statistics and info on how to find personal help and how employers can also provide help.

Adam Prescott at 17:08 on 15 Apr 2018

A nice introduction to state-machines, Luka did a good job of taking an abstract concept and explaining it in a practical way with the door example and the symfony/workflow package. I think it would have been useful to see some more practical examples using a functional application.