Talk comments

Excellent introduction, including the downsides of the language, and not just praise. Also makes clear what Go is for, instead of considering a silver-bullet solution.

Great talk, good delivery, lots of recognizable topics, some very opinionated topics, some very controversial. Overall good mix

Good intro to Go. Will try to look into the language and play with it.

Solid presentation, good content.

Very nice introduction to Flysystem and its functionality: convinced me to use it for the next projects involving file I/O.

Few notes on what needs to be enhanced:

- less ranting. Filesystem is what it is, we have to deal with it anyway (did this mistake in previous talks myself as well)
- more actual practical use-cases rather than just an API overview
- maybe a testing example with stubbing/mocking

I don't think there was a thing here which I once did and then afterwards did not come to regret.

Probably the best and most interesting tutorial I've ever been to:

- well calibrated difficulty
- good and satisfying hands-on part
- very nice overview of more advanced heap/compiler/optimization topics
- inspires people to keep going with the topic

Second time I see this presentation: still very encouraging call to action for PHP developers that want to grow.