Great session as always, though time was really against us given how much material you had prepared! I definitely think this needs to be at least a full-day workshop.
I was keen to attend having been in your session on this topic at SymfonyCon, and it definitely lived up to expectation.
That said - I would really like to have gone on from there to ‘recouple’, i.e. link this to Doctrine (or some other ORM/DBAL) and a framework like Symfony to see how we do make that connection ‘in the best possible way’.
Thanks also for raffling the copies of your book to attendees, that was very generous of you!
Learning styles are scientifically debunked. There is not a "lack of evidence" for them. The theory has been debunked over and over again. Anyone who presents an abstract stressing how she has a "Master's Degree in Curriculum Development" should be responsible enough to not present snakeoil like this.
Please do any aspiring student a favor and stop spreading this myth. It is not true and is harmful to anyone trying to learn how to study.
Very well brought, but a tad less background (which really everyone knows) and a tad more on the actual gatekeepers would have been better.
One tip: add an accessibility gatekeeper ;-) axe-core would be a good candidate.
Nice story & slides. Not giving five thumbs up because the abstract doesn't quite cover the talk.
Good talk, good examples, well argued.
Far too long an explanation about FFI and other reflection. Features i was interested in were brushed over.
Intresting, nice to see theses explanation about tracing and their importance. But I find it a bit too slower,i think the journey could have been shorter and some extra technical information could have bring
Excellent informative talk. Just great!
Good and interesting talk. Will get into this further. Thx!
Maybe it would be a good idea to add some more examples.
A solid introduction, but it seemed to lack depth - perhaps that’s all there is to know?