A well-presented introduction to D2. For me there was too much emphasis on the comparison to D1 and the ActiveRecord model though, whereas a focus on practical aspects might have been more helpful in practice. Like schema definion (migrations, forward and backward, including data), or extensibility (can I create my own data types on a D2 level? E. g. your example of the geodata stuff that is not available because some of the supported databases don't provide the functionality), or practical performance considerations (you scratched this one).
a well done good introduction to the technique
We started with some bashing at Ruby on Rails, ending up that what you need in php is mostly what you get out of the box with Rails. And RoR tends to be best used with thin controllers and fat models :)
Anyway, very informative, and I like the opinionated approach to MVC!
a must see if you are interested in phpunit, and in general in testing in the php world.
the 3 + 1 hour format (with lunch in the middle) was ... so and so
great talk, very inspirational - loved the fact that memi combined "on the edge" agile practices with real world experiences / case studies
4 out of 5 because of the time thing - the presentation would have better fit a 1h30' slot
Truth be told, I've been a bit overwhelmed by the English accent, and I hoped for a more general approach to CMFs, but ConGoW looks interesting!
Nice overview on Couch and great presentational style!
The speech felt more like a university lesson than a conference speech :) But it was very interesting!
Good introduction to comet. Useful.
Very inspiring talk, a sermon, really, nicely showing what makes software development effective and worthwile under both economical and social aspects. And it was easy to realise that what Jacopo told us is not a result of theoretcial considerations but the very essence of his daily work. Thanks a lot for sharing these thoughts with us!