The GrUSP, the italian php user group, organize the 7th phpDay ( a conference dedicated to the php for the enterprise.

Thursday 12th May 2011

Caching on the Edge
Workshop by Fabien Potencier in Sala 1

Caching on the Edge

Testing LAMP Applications
Workshop by Sebastian Bergmann in Sala 2

Testing LAMP Applications

Building search applications with Apache Solr and PHP
Workshop by Paul Borgermans in Sala 1

Building search applications with Apache Solr and PHP

Any to any - Convert your documents!
Talk by Tobias Schlitt, Kore Nordmann in Sala 2

Any to any - Convert your documents!

16:00 A generic PHP Application installer
Talk by Kore Nordmann in Sala 2

A generic PHP Application installer

Security 202 - Are you sure your site is secure?
Talk by Arne Blankerts in Sala 2

Security 202 - Are you sure your site is secure?

18:30 Modular application architecture
Talk by Kore Nordmann in Sala 2

Modular application architecture

Friday 13th May 2011

10:30 PHP goes to the Cloud
Talk by Mario Fontana, Pietro Brambati in Sala 1

PHP goes to the Cloud

How your business can benefit from Symfony2
Talk by Christian Schaefer in Sala 2

How your business can benefit from Symfony2

Expanding PHP unit testing into the cloud
Talk by Erik Kort in Sala 3

Expanding PHP unit testing into the cloud

11:30 Just Married: User Centred Design and Agile
Talk by Memi Beltrame in Sala 1

Just Married: User Centred Design and Agile

Large-Scale Data Processing with MapReduce and PHP
Talk by David Zuelke in Sala 2

Large-Scale Data Processing with MapReduce and PHP

Doctrine 2
Talk by Juozas in Sala 3

Doctrine 2

Many to many: no man is an island.
Keynote by Jacopo Romei in Sala 1

Many to many: no man is an island.

14:30 Be lAZY, be ESI - HTTP caching and Symfony2
Talk by Alessandro Nadalin in Sala 1

Be lAZY, be ESI - HTTP caching and Symfony2

An year of Pomodoros
Talk by Giorgio Sironi in Sala 2

An year of Pomodoros

Managing a shared MySQL farm
Talk by Thijs Feryn in Sala 3

Managing a shared MySQL farm

15:00 Phing vs Ant: parola chiave "automatizzare"
Talk by Manuel Baldassarri in Sala 1

Phing vs Ant: parola chiave "automatizzare"

Lessons learned after 10 years with eZ Publish and the road into a mobile future
Talk by Paul Borgermans in Sala 2

Lessons learned after 10 years with eZ Publish and the road into a mobile future

Symfony2 per chi fino a ieri ha utilizzato Symfony 1.x : architettura, modelli ed esempi
Talk by Filippo De Santis in Sala 3

Symfony2 per chi fino a ieri ha utilizzato Symfony 1.x : architettura, modelli ed esempi

Why MVC is not an application architecture
Talk by Stefan Priebsch in Sala 1

Why MVC is not an application architecture

Real World Dependency Injection
Talk by Stephan Hochdörfer in Sala 2

Real World Dependency Injection

Dica trentatrè <?php echo '33'; ?>. Controllare lo stato di salute di una applicazione con le metriche del codice
Talk by Michele Orselli in Sala 3

Dica trentatrè <?php echo '33'; ?>. Controllare lo stato di salute di una applicazione con le metriche del codice

17:30 Think like an ant, distribute the workload
Talk by Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson in Sala 1

Think like an ant, distribute the workload

Varnish In Action
Talk by Thijs Feryn in Sala 2

Varnish In Action

Saturday 14th May 2011

Profile your PHP application and make it fly
Talk by Lorenzo Alberton in Sala 1

Profile your PHP application and make it fly

Symfony e grandi numeri: si può fare!
Talk by Daniel Londero in Sala 2

Symfony e grandi numeri: si può fare!

Git for Subversion users
Talk by Stefan Koopmanschap in Sala 3

Git for Subversion users

Zend PHP 5.3 Certification: What You Need to Know
Talk by Christian Wenz in Sala 4

Zend PHP 5.3 Certification: What You Need to Know

Zend Framework 2.0
Talk by Enrico Zimuel in Sala 1

Zend Framework 2.0

Designing HTTP Interfaces and RESTful Web Services
Talk by David Zuelke in Sala 2

Designing HTTP Interfaces and RESTful Web Services

Pursuing Domain-Driven Design practices in PHP
Talk by Giorgio Sironi in Sala 3

Pursuing Domain-Driven Design practices in PHP

Symfony2 and RoR3: friends for an hour
Talk by Alessandro Cinelli, Alberto Barrilà, Sandro Paganotti in Sala 4

Symfony2 and RoR3: friends for an hour

11:30 Testing untestable code
Talk by Stephan Hochdörfer in Sala 1

Testing untestable code

Optimizing Zend Framework
Talk by Juozas in Sala 2

Optimizing Zend Framework

Apache Zeta Components
Talk by Tobias Schlitt in Sala 3

Apache Zeta Components

Race condition in applicazioni PHP
Talk by Davide Marrone in Sala 4

Race condition in applicazioni PHP

12:30 WebMatrix: build, customize and deploy!
Talk by Pietro Brambati in Sala 1

WebMatrix: build, customize and deploy!

14:30 Symfony CMF: un nuovo paradigma per la gestione dei contenuti
Talk by Michele Orselli, Manuel Baldassarri in Sala 1

Symfony CMF: un nuovo paradigma per la gestione dei contenuti

Frontend Caching - The "new" frontier
Talk by Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson in Sala 2

Frontend Caching - The "new" frontier

eXtreme Programming, Timeboxing e Kanban: A company development experience
Talk by Filippo De Santis in Sala 3

eXtreme Programming, Timeboxing e Kanban: A company development experience

symfony & jQuery, ties and separations
Talk by Massimiliano Arione in Sala 4

symfony & jQuery, ties and separations

15:00 CMF: a pain in the F
Talk by David Funaro, Alessandro Nadalin in Sala 3

CMF: a pain in the F

Distribuzione delle sessioni
Talk by Gianluca Gimigliano in Sala 4

Distribuzione delle sessioni

Intro to TYPO3
Talk by Ingo Renner in Sala 1

Intro to TYPO3

Advanced CouchDB
Talk by Sander van de Graaf in Sala 2

Advanced CouchDB

WordPress for developers
Talk by Maurizio Pellizzone in Sala 3

WordPress for developers

Drupal 7!
Talk by Marco Vito Moscaritolo in Sala 4

Drupal 7!

Strong cryptography in PHP
Talk by Enrico Zimuel in Sala 1

Strong cryptography in PHP

NoSQL Databases: What, When and Why
Talk by Lorenzo Alberton in Sala 2

NoSQL Databases: What, When and Why

When Drupal meets Opendata
Talk by Stefano Mainardi, Paolo Mainardi in Sala 3

When Drupal meets Opendata

Comet: Pushing the Web Forward
Talk by Phiip Ross in Sala 4

Comet: Pushing the Web Forward