Talk comments

Nice talk on tdd and more I have learned di at least!

Robert Basic +1

One small suggestion for Patrick is to show only exercise hints on screen during workshop and let attendees rely on git to get complete solutions. Terrific work in preparing everything upfront - properly branched - by the way. Hopefully this suggestion can make things even more exciting, because solutions are not revealed too soon. Nevertheless, a great experience, which I recommend to everyone. Well done, Patrick!

Come gusto personale avrei preferito piu' slide di pro/contro ma e' solo un gusto personale. Dato il poco tempo e' stata ottima la quantita' di dati che si e' riuscito a comunicare.

Poco tempo, spunti interessanti, utili gli esempi su dove applicare la cache e dove no. Approfondirei appunto questa tematica.

Talk interessante. Avrei voluto che a questo talk fosse dedicato piĆ¹ tempo

Excellent talk, next time ask for more time ^_^