Talk comments

Well explained, nice examples. Would be better in a 1h time slot with deeper explanations of REST calls parameters, sub-resources calls, multiple joins.

A good overview of the 3 main provisioners.
The basics part was a bit confusing for newcomers.

Interesting technique, but maybe too muchc time spent explaining the whys instead of the hows.

Interesting and clear, but a bit harder to understand the last part and the big picture.

Good case study on making parallel HTTP requests, with a driving goal such ad latency of mobile traffic. Felt a bit rushed since the slot was 1 hour long.

In-depth, well-prepared explanation.

What I learn the most comes from the last question: "For what kind of applications is the Google App Engine PHP support for?"
Michele: "mmmmmmm.. something that doesn't writes stuffs on the file system".
Thanks, I think I won't spend my time trying it!!

This guys and this talk are quite amazing. Inspiring! Well done!