The GrUSP, the Italian PHP user group, organises the 11th phpDay, a conference dedicated to PHP for the enterprise.


Coding and Dreaming - PHP in 2014
Keynote by Rasmus Lerdorf
Symfony2 and AngularJS
Talk by Antonio Peric
How to test 2 years of behavior for 16 countries in 4 minutes and 30 seconds
Talk by Giorgio Sironi
PHP: Under The Hood
Talk by Davey Shafik
Practical Event Sourcing
Talk by Mathias Verraes
Concurrent PHP in the Etsy API
Talk by Matthew Graham
Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure
Talk by Jeremy Coates
Content Management with Symfony2
Workshop by David Buchmann
Emergent Design with PhpSpec
Talk by Marcello Duarte
Vagrant Provisioners in a Nutshell
Talk by Erika Heidi
Deploy a PHP Application on Google App Engine
Talk by Michele Orselli
RESTful API development in Laravel 4
Talk by Christopher Pecoraro
Codeception, because tests can have frameworks too!
Talk by Luka Mužinić
Add the security layer to your REST API and serve a distributed web application
Talk by Marco Loche
Database version control without pain
Talk by Harrie Verveer
The Big “Why equal doesn’t equal” Quiz
Talk by Juliette Reinders Folmer
Talk by Julien Pauli
Design Patterns Workshop
Workshop by Brandon Savage
Upgrading PHP
Talk by Lorna Mitchell
Talk by Alexander
Don’t screw it up, how to build durable web apis
Talk by cirpo, Alessandro Nadalin
Scaling PHP in the real world!
Talk by Dustin Whittle
Moving Away from Legacy code with BDD
Talk by Konstantin Kudryashov
API RESTful (and RPC) for PHP with Apigility
Talk by Enrico Zimuel
Web application: tech from startup to enterprise
Talk by Miro Svrtan
Space-rockets, sub-atomic particles and clouds
Talk by Jamie Hannaford