Talk comments

Quite an interesting talk and fairly well developed. Not quite convinced about the platform but nice to see actual code examples in the talk.

Also my favourite talk of the day. So much information it had to be delivered at twice the normal bandwidth! Great, now looking forward to reading more to fill in the missing areas in my understanding which were highlighted.

Really liked your talk. Good example with very good high-level background information explaining the reasons behind your choices. Inspirational, like all of the best talks!

Good topic, inspired me to have a look at using this myself. I think it would be improved if you could have focussed less on basics that are easily obtained from the website and given more high-level information.

A great way to end the conference and highlighted some genuine points. Rowan's delivery was perfect and the concept of the Dr Frankenstein's Developer promoted audience participation.

The presentation was in a different style to many of the others I attended, but was all the more beneficial for it. The we-had-a-problem-and-developed-a-solution was a nice real-world demonstration of how to approach a problem and then find a better/best solution.

The reasoning behind design decisions too was helpful, as usually they're presented as as "do this because I say so".

A well-paced and balanced talk, and I think the majority of the audience came away with at least one or two things to consider in their methodologies.

Yet another entertaining talk with a new approach to a typical web app,a and perhaps the most interesting of the weekend. Well explained and filled with Volker's ever-present humour.

The talk was one of the most beneficial talks of the weekend. Derek came off as extremely knowledgeable (not just about Xdebug, but about PHP in general) - and the confidence showed during the presentation.

The framework itself seemed like an interesting approach, but the language barrier made it difficult to follow at times. Akihito and Richard did very well in the circumstances, however and I feel encouraged to look further into Bear.Sunday.