Talk comments

Awesome. Funny. Great advice.

Only thing to make it better would be more horror stories lols

Mike Oram at 21:01 on 10 Oct 2018

Well delivered with clear speech and well paced. Great stories that don't surprise me but we're told very well. Only improvement would be to memorise your talk and not use notes. Understanding for a first talk though

Zan Baldwin at 21:00 on 10 Oct 2018

A very entertaining talk! Some great stories, except now I know they're true they suddenly became terrifying :\
It's nice to know there are recruiters out there that don't follow the stereotype :)

Lucia Velasco at 20:59 on 10 Oct 2018

Another fresh approach to the brief, I love it.
Hilarious, relatable start! I think you really played to your audience. Ehem, next time take a screenshot of the search box, photos of screens don't come out well :)
You spoke at a good volume! I like your use of narrative. You're a good public speaker.
Also, as a recruiter at a code meetup talking about how much recruiters can suck... Ballsy. I like it.
Thank you for being so nice about developers at the end, too.

Very good, enjoyable talk. Nice to hear some stories from the recruitment side of things!

Good talk, good advice. Clear and to the point.

Michael Bush at 20:52 on 10 Oct 2018

I really like this talk and this is something I have heard many times from friends of mine in the industry. Very well presented with humour in all the right places. Amazing... Thank you.

Fair play for getting this together and such short notice. Some code advice and top tips about picking up and cleaning legacy code. Thanks

Mike Oram at 20:45 on 10 Oct 2018

Good delivery, clearly spoken with great slides and a good amount of humour. Good tips but I'd liked to have heard about some of the projects you rejected and why.

Lucia Velasco at 20:45 on 10 Oct 2018

I love the fresh approach to the brief, especially given a professional interest in the other side of the fence, as it were.
I admired the compassionate perspective that came across.
The baby gif is effective but a bit distracting when you're talking, it might be good to have a slide after to wait on after presenting the gif.
I was curious how the one true goal interacts with Agile, do you iterate on what success looks like with the client?
I liked that you mentioned mental health day!