Talk comments

Great topic, very in depth and informative on how to plan classes to be test friendly.

Eli has an amazing ability to take complex concepts and make them easily understandable to all. I enjoyed how he progressed from beginning to OMG levels showing the decisions and techniques to use.

You can find the slides for the talk at

Excellent pace, admirable slides, commendable clarity, awesome motivational speaking, very informative, and great responses to questions. The plug for my blog post didn't hurt either. ;)

Good work Andrei, enjoyed the humor in your talk. Excellent use of clip art :)

Excellent talk. On twitter authors are accused of slamming various projects, but the intent is good, find "interesting" bits of code and solicit feedback from the audiance. Then provide comentary from the authors on possible ways to improve code. Authors interacted well together. Nicly done and humorous talk.

Great presentation, Due to the huge amount of info I understand why using visual feedback slides wouldn't work, tuning mysql could be a day long course easily and she had to condense it. I think she did a great job due to the time constraints. The descriptions of the variables were some of the best I have seen to date I cant wait to review the slides more closely.

Good talk, although i think partitions could also be served via mysql 5.1+. Also NGINX is a great low mem load balance, we use it to create a hash map, if a server doesn't respond for X time it will drop it from the hash, but also nginx can retry the request until it does load ( so that the EU never get a 404 or connection issue.) while it support fcgi , i highly suggest using apache on the webheads for module php and nginx to decide which web head to send a request to.

Very good talk on vertical and horizontal db partitioning , if mysql 5.1 with additional iscsi/fiber cards is not an option.

Great stuff...I can't wait to apply it at work here in the near future!

Good presentation. While the technical depth of the slides is good for reading outside of the presentation, they don't provide good visual feedback to the audience while that content is being presented verbally. See the book Presentation Zen. More visuals arranged around problems, causes, and effects might make the slide deck stronger.