Talk comments

Good pace, very engaging. Think the man pages slide should come earlier on (especially since it was verbally referenced before the slide). A bit disappointed that some tools like awk and sed didn't receive mention.

Very informative regarding the OSTC, its mission, and its current activities. Pace of material was good, though the speaker tended to have rather rushed speech. Speaker and team seem very amiable to getting questions outside of their areas of expertise answered.

Excellent coverage of the subject matter, very good pacing, entertaining, and engaging. If I recall correctly, the new SPL data structures weren't mentioned, though they were covered in Elizabeth Smith's SPL to the Rescue session.

Great roundup of current RDBMS alternatives, the history of databases, and why you would want to use something other than an RDBMS.

I learned quite a bit in this session and will definitely be reaching for XMLReader more. The only criticism I have is that the presentation seemed to dwell on topics a little long.

This was a good presentation, but it went by quickly. I think she could have showed you how to get the global MySQL config, then focus on three or four of the most common/interesting/misunderstood variables. Definitely a lot of ground to cover.

The only talk all day that made me stand up (only at the presenter's request). Totally grokking SplDoublyLinkedList; can I haz PHP 5.3?

What I saw was good (I came in a little late), but I would have liked some more background on Zend framework. However, Cal did contrast the security considerations of a web application vs. CLI script. He also showed some practical ways of mimicking the information ZF would expect from an HTTP request in a CLI.

Great talk with a brief history of PHP, what's on the horizon for the future, and some good old fashioned venting.

Speaker presented relatively well, but got flustered and tended to ramble at several points. Pace was a bit quick. Examples of specific ORMs had somewhat shallow depth and didn't offer much comparison between them. Coverage of what ORMs are, situations in which they are or aren't appropriate, and available alternatives was good.