Talk comments

Jay at 11:54 on 21 Nov 2016

Very interesting and relevant for our company as we are in the process of planning changes. Concepts were easy to follow and presented in an organized and clear way. Probably the highlight of the conference for me.

Jay at 11:52 on 21 Nov 2016

It was very beginner-level and felt more like a solicitation for Zend Certification. The main nugget i got out of it was that File Level Manipulation is on the ZCE test.

Kurt Tischer at 11:02 on 21 Nov 2016

Great overall presentation of several practical applications. Colin was able to explain pretty much every detail of how the components come together. Also, the projects are simple enough that they can also act as boilerplates for other projects using similar components. Very cool and makes me want to run right out and buy so Pis and Arduino boards and build stuff.

Chris Zietlow at 08:48 on 21 Nov 2016

Excellent talk, great presentation, and good examples. Immediately following the conference I left feeling this was a solid presentation, but it was one of those rare sessions that resonated throughout the weekend in into the following week. I found myself constantly thinking over the topics presented.

Good in depth talk with nice code examples!

Excellent talk that underlines the fact that the code we write should be as humane, warm, emphatic and thoughtful as we ourselves need to be in real-life. This talk could be given at any conference really.

Well done!

Protip: don't play Catan against Jason McCreary. You'll lose :-)

Though the first part was not so interesting for me - I work with Artisan commands a lot - I still appreciated the clear way how you explained al the basic options. The beginners in the room could not have got a better introduction to Artisan commands.

The second part where you presented uses cases was highly interesting. Plus points for the relaxed way you come across as a speaker and the enthusiastic way you approached the subject. Imho this talk could be given at a Laracon as well.

thomas wilson at 22:10 on 19 Nov 2016

This was a great talk Joshua. I'm excited to get on M2 and leave M1 behind.

Great speaker, handles the subject very well. Great talk.