Talk comments

Informative talk to expose us to new tech and methods. The speaker needs to set her terminal colors. ;)

Super useful and practical. Thanks Chris!

Good details and insights for authentication and authorization. Well prepared and covered pertinent information.

Most of the slides were hard to read, but the examples were clear and got me thinking about using it on my application.

Great examples and good current information.

Excellent talk about authentication, authorization, the differences between them, different ways that these concepts are implemented as well as touching on security concerns and issues regarding these topics. Timing was a bit off (ran long) so things had to be skipped, but it was a very good talk.

One of the best, clearest overviews of REST and HATEOAS I've seen. Great slides, great presenter. Very good stuff. Only thing I would l have liked to see were more practical examples in PHP, but I suspect time didn't permit. Would be great as an expanded tutorial.

I attended Samantha's talk on scalability yesterday, and she proved again in this talk that she's a leading thinker when it comes to real-world applications. Great talk!

Wow. I almost walked out at the beginning thinking that it would be over my head. So glad I stayed.

Some of the gotchas were really interesting, and your explanation about why PHP was doing "weird" things was easy to understand.