So far the best talk of the event.
Excellent talk.
I liked that the presenter not only talked about the security holes but also had code examples to deal with them. I consider myself security savvy and I still learned new and improved ways to protect my applications.
Good presentation on when to use traits and how they can make your life simpler.
Samantha has a lot of knowledge and, most importantly, experience. I certainly learned several things I must improve to be more scaleable.
The presentation was laid out very well, starting with HTTP and socket communication via curl/telnet, and introduced React naturally.
When covering the event loops, I think doing a 2-3 minute dive into the PHP implementation (beyond the interface) would clear things up for the audience and answer some questions preemptively. The C extensions need only be mentioned in passing, which you did.
On React's DNS implementation, there was a missed opportunity to explain why that was necessary (PHP's DNS resolution blocks, and you'd need it for other client components).
Nice overview of Phing and what it can do - good to see a full walk through of a realistic deployment. Definitely one to go back and review the slides on.
Very well presented. Covered the reasons for Bullet and how to use it very quickly. I found the best test of a talk is I want to go home and try it out, which I definitely want to try Bullet out now.
Very, very well talk. Explained the concept of WebSockets while powering his entire presentation with them. But the most impressive thing was the balance of getting into the details without losing the audience. This is the first WebSockets presentation I've attended where I really understood the different tools and how to really use them in a project.