This talk was everything I hoped it would be. Josh provided a great introduction to graph databases, excellent examples and explanations.
I would love to see this as a larger training. Might be fun in that context to take information from the participants and query against that.
Great talk, and well presented. I love the idea of using GitHub for even non-code things. Ticket all the things! :)
PS: Tacos are WAYYYY better than burrios FYI
I learned some new tricks. :) I'm using vagrant and puppet for local development but it was cool to see how to configure it to work for different environments and different providers.
Good introduction to Bullet. It looks like an interesting an opinionated solution to some very specific problems with good reasons for its design.
A good introduction to what's going on under the hood. I was surprised that the MySql Optimizer didn't choose what I thought the most efficient path was.
Good introduction to dependency injection. I'm not sold on whether it will help our team. Josh gave good steps to follow that can actually be used to slowly refactor a code base that I'll be trying.
Good examples. I always wondered why puppet was better than just using shell scripts. Thanks!
Nothin' better than an opinionated framework.
Seriously though, the rationale made a lot of sense.
Fun to listen to, great overview of best practices for refactoring, and great real-world examples, with a nice practical approach of how to work refactoring into your process.