OMG, such a great talk. I want to see more talks of this level at all conferences. This is the type of talk that when you walk away it's hard to sum up what you took from it, but some time later when you're presented with a similar problem to solve it's there waiting in the deep recesses of your mind ready to be used as primer for your actual solution.
The topic was greatly complex, lot of moving pieces to cover. However, it was presented in a step through style that made grasping the general concepts at least attainable.
I had lots of questions, but that is expected from a topic as complex.
My favorite talk of the conference.
I think the title would be more accurate as "30 Tools" as I feel most the talk was not about skills, but rather tooling. Beyond that, the presentation was given well even if I did not agree with some of it. ;)
Great talk covering the simplicity of the docker system. Live coding a local system with multiple containers really illustrate the basics. Could use a walk through of how to setup one container and the concept of the base images, custom images and maybe the layers, but was fine without it.
Made me think of how many times we just complain instead of facing the obstacle..
I'm still thinking of ways we could help those who need using technology on the level presented.
It was a really good and interesting talk. It's great to see how beyond we can go.
I'll definitely search more about it.
Great talk. Inspiring. I had to talk myself down from running home, abandoning my current project, and throwing together a project using your "use technologies that play-well-together" approach.
Great talk - I could see the advice applying to any career. You really have a lot of options for presenting this at other conferences.
For me this was the best talk of the day. It thrashed preconceived notions about what you could or couldn't do with the PHP language and challenged people to explore alternate solutions to some very common problems.
I love seeing talks like this at tech conferences, as though they are not directly tech related, they focus on personal development that needs to happen in conjunction with the actual tech skills to make you the best you can be.
Presenter was fun, engaging and the interactive pieces helped keep me focused even after a long time of "socializing" and the early morning yoga sessions.