Talk comments

Good material which was generally well-presented (if a little flat). Code examples were useful.

Excellent social influences that simple technology has around the world. Fabian's presentation and discussion was vey compelling.

Excellent social influences that simple technology has around the world. Fabian's presentation and discussion was vey compelling.

Great introduction to puppet and vagrant. Good use of humor and meme gifs. Would have been interested to hear more about recommended resources for getting up to speed on the software covered and possibly recommended supplemental tools or interfaces.

Great introduction to Vagrant & PUPPET to virtualize development.

An absolutely fantastic talk. I liked how it touched on some theoretical concepts, but kept bringing it back to a real world application that evolved over time. Case studies like this are really interesting and useful for developers to hear, as they show problem solving in action.

If I had to mention something that *could* be improved, and this is extremely trivial, but a few slides had some minor grammatical issues. I don't think this detracted at all from the content or the presentation, but something that could be improved slightly for the next time.

All in all, a fantastic talk!

Great talk, a little bit of a bummer that the demo didn't work; but it's awesome that you made your demo available. Corey knows the content and spoke very well, at times the demo got a little bit hard to follow, as it was very technical. I imagine having the code available will clarify the areas where I got a little lost. Great talk though, very interesting topic and delivered very well.

Great presentation, very thorough preparation complete with references, examples, sample code in github, etc. Information overload FTW.

A good introduction into the new bits of 5.5. I think a bit too much focus was spent on generators and not enough on some of the other additions. With that said, I think the treatment of generators was absolutely fantastic and really did the feature justice.

Good communication and talk was entertaining. Highlighted PUPPET and Vagrant for managing VMs. Presentation was good but trying not to stand in the projector light so much may make it easier to watch.