I really liked the way you presented mixing sound, videos and stories. Great talk!
Thanks Anthony, your feedback is more than welcome :)
would have liked a demo where you could actually read and understand all the code. There was a lot of jumping around between different files, classes, and links.
Came off like a windows azure salesman. No real useful info for PHP developers in general.
Good information, well presented, but very bland presentation.
Good material, but somewhat uneven presentation. Live demos are always risky, but aside from tools to go look at I don't think we really got a sense for the moving parts we're dealing with. There were too many mentioned.
Great talk and perfectly pitched at audience.
Fantastic and inspirational talk.
Joe is a funny guy. Reinforced a lot of the knowledge i already had about vagrant and puppet. Very entertaining.
As always Bernhard did a great talk. The Symfony Form component seems so easy to tackle when Bernhard talks about it. I really liked the way he presentend this subject mixing theory with graphics/schemas and practical sample code. Great job!
A must see if you're a Symfony2 developer or if you expect to integrate this component into your application.