very nice talk, the first part about describing the observer pattern and its implementation within symfony was maybe a bit redundant with the component's documentation but heh, you have to satisfy even those attendees who didn't have a chance to read said doc :-)
interesting, need to practice...
classic case, thank to share!
The Microsoft guys did not ask themselves beforehand what the audience could be interested in, to hear or learn from them. My concentration also lacked after because they spoke so much about themselves and their internal problems. Having no doubt that this is true, I think it's simply not addressing any topical aspect of the conference nor interesting to the audience in any other way.
So it resulted in a talk that was - at least understood to be - a marketing talk and didn't fit with the topics of the conference.
One more thing: a speaker shall please never ever blame a poor Internet connection as an excuse - either you want to demonstrate something and prepare anything needed for this (e.g. offline copy or whatever), or just leave it. Sorry for these less nice statements...
Geoffrey's "dialect" of speaking english was sometimes hard to understand, so speaking a bit slower would have helped a lot.
Considering the facts that this topic is so vastly big, Geoffrey's knowledge on it, and that he did already write some very good stuff in the latest SF book, I guess he in this speech could have focused on a few specifics only, into which he could enter more in detail. Going through virtually everything ended up jumping from one to the other a bit too fast for the audience - sometimes less is really more.
Of course all this is easier said than done... thanks anyway for your engagement.
Was very helpful to me, I got a lot of insights, thanks a lot. I liked also the presentation style, which was straight on the topic and was oriented to the perspective of an average symfony developer (I guess I am average ;-).
Great talk: good content and good presenter
Great talk - lots of interesting things to use in future.
thanks, there are a lot of thing we should use !
I couldn't understand him and couldn't follow him because He changed the slides to fast...