Some interesting points on organising code and decoupling an application. I did find the talk a bit slow and at times difficult to follow. That is probably partially due to my inexperience at Symfony, but perhaps having some real world examples of more of what you were talking about may have helped.
The talk itself also seemed to take a while to start, I don't know if that was an operational problem as people walked off to the second track? It would be nice for someone to introduce the speaker and the speaker to start immediately.
Igor has gone a long way as a speaker. This talk was a work of a pro. His time got eaten by the previous speaker, and that was just too bad. The combination of history of unix pipes and the applicability of the principles in middlewares was spot on.
Very good introduction to PhpSpec. It's great when the speaker talks from his real life project experience. Kuba infuses the audience with enthusiasm to, not only try the tool, but with the understanding of the benefits. This talk is for those who belief software craftsmanship and PHP can't co-exist.
Well rehearsed, insightful, and useful! Great presentation.
Not enough time to cover all of the concepts in as much detail as I'd have liked (not your fault!), but good introduction to the framework for experienced PHP developers, gave me a good knowledgebase to work from for the rest of the day. :)
@fabien could you please post the slides somewhere here? thanks!
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
Now it's clear to me the real difference between a static service container like the one in Symfony2 and a dynamic one like Pimple.
By the way, ExpressionLanguage is a very good solution for the problem of dynamic parameters for static configurations
I found this talk really interesting. It was great to hear the experience of someone using Symfony for their first year in a big application. Lars talked really well about the good points of Symfony, some of the things that confused him and he found solutions to and his general experience of the framework. An excellent talk for me, who is new to Symfony and am looking at how it may impact use in my web agency.
I wasn't sure about the use of a tablet to move through the slides, since the speaker kept looking down rather than to the audience.