Talk comments

Great pitch for sf4 really - I was very impressed

on Keynote

This was great talk, like always with Kévin !

That was a really great talk, the demove was really nice, thanks to Nicolas !

on Keynote

Alex Niedre at 10:23 on 19 Nov 2017

I loved the format. The fact that it's an open discussion is awesome - everybody had the chance to speak their mind and I'm really glad we're very open about this very emotionally heavy subject.
I think we, as a community, are quite open and friendly as it is, but I'm sure we can do better!

There's no immediate answer to the question, but if we're open to all ideas then that's progress.

Hugo Hamon at 01:48 on 19 Nov 2017

Great summary of the activity on the project since last year. Good job!

The presentation was done in a relaxed and entertaining way. The code examples were a bit hard to read but he described the content quite well.

It was also very interesting to hear the insights about working on a successful open source project and what it means for the maintainers.

Good talk!

Ryan is a great and entertaining speaker. Very good skills.

I'd like to have seen less of a JavaScript/ECMAScript introduction and more of Webpack Encore, but considering the audience and that it was in the beginner track, I guess it's alright.

The tool seems to be very nice and useful to get people started easily with webpack in their Symfony applications.

Good talk about the new DI component by its author. The depth of the presentation was alright for me, since he described all the new features or changes that have been made compare to the previous DI component. It barely fit into the time slot, but it was alright.

When I will upgrade, I'll have to get into all the details by myself anyway.

Good presentation skills! Thanks!

The content of the presentation was very interesting. I liked the approach he took in dividing application architecture into different levels. I would like to see the same presentation done in a longer time slot, or maybe skip the first three levels and dive right into the steps from level 3 (hexagonal architecture) to level 6 (event source architecture) in more depth, or use the time to go more into the advantages/disadvantages and when the approach should be taken.

He gave some code examples which really helped to understand the steps.

Sometimes he talked quite fast with a Spanish accent, but I was still able to understand everything.

It was the kind of presentation I expect of an advanced track.


Great talk about all the problems that you'll have, once you need to have your application translated into several different languages.

He showed many practical solutions that you can apply and introduced some tools to the audience.

I also have an application in more than 10 languages and we are/were facing the same problems that Tobias described. I can agree on almost any slide.

Also good English skills and entertaining. Keep up the good work.