Nice reminder that We might have some issues as a community.
Liked it very much. 'no-no for production' but it shows how extendable PHP is.
Well presented, nice summary of webpack-encore features.
Well presented, nice recap where PHP is going.
I think it was brilliant introductory talk but I think I kind-of missed 'why or why not do it in PHP' part.
Interesting but I think for a short and advanced talk it was too much basic stuff.
Not really technical but really great presentation about maintaining opensource project
Presenting part was great - everything on the slides was readable, etc. Content - as I have no knowledge of eZ platform and just a basic knowledge on internals of Sylius I could not really relate - but I think I will consider all points made if I ever have to merge 2 sf2 apps.
Not really advanced enough for me. I think it was just 'short overview of what messages queues are'. I liked that You showed some tooling examples but I really expected more advanced content.
Good presentation of new features. Liked idea as well.