Talk comments

We missed some examples, real explanations and reasons why "you shouldn't use basic guards"
Loved the trashy language and attitude, although bit less could have been more appropriate in this context :) !

elefonts category was a blast :D

Great content, very clear use-case and the example provided was exactly what the talk title sells. Nicely done!

Informative and interesting for a very precise use-case

GReat talk for a very useful tool!

Hi Miguel, Sietze

Thanks for your feedback.

@Sietze: Sure I'll apply your suggestions next time. What you think about a webinar or something similar covering the gaps you mentioned?

Overall amazing. Complete, clear, hands-on, and concrete. A pleasure!

As part of the organization committee, I realize we should have better communicated with the speaker.
Please don't blame Diana for the mistake we did and rate only her talk - not its adequation to the track.
We'll definitely look at our processes to prevent this from happening again. Apologies to Diana for the error.
It was a real pleasure to have her at SymfonyCon.

An important topic and very importantly she mentioned the relation to feature flags as well.

Its always a challenge to also tell a story during such short talk slots (and maybe it was a bit too ambitious) and not even guaranteed a slot, I was impressed by the slides.

Great talk. Very to the point and a great explanation on a new function and the history of why it exists.