Interesting subject and quite some information being shared but it was really hard for me to follow.
Things I liked:
- Very nice design slides with good readability*
- Very well spoken and understandable
* Except text on the bottom of the slide because I wasn't in the front row
Things I didn't like:
- It's was going pretty fast without any pauses or recaps on the current state.
- At most parts of the talk I wasn't sure what problem was being solved. Without this context it's hard to think along.
- Do regular recaps on what the state of the application is: example: "We did X so now we have Y. But Z won't work because we lack A. Let's get A". This keeps people up to date on what problem we're trying to solve and what work and what doesn't.
My goal for this talk was to understand what api platform could bring. I got a general idea but I feel like I lost a lot of details.
Thanks a lot for your talk.
Presentation was well structured with a very follow-able story line. The symfony part felt forced and unnecessary. Presenter did a great job on showing the big pitfalls on starting with ES.
Great show. Even better than expected. The magic show before was cool as well.
Great talk with interesting arguments. Also brought in a very lightweight and funny way which made it a great talk for in the afternoon.
Great talk with a great atmosphere and nice story line. Very follow-able. The conclusion felt a bit like a surprise the presentation felt like preparing me for a different conclusion.
I loved the information that was shared. But the presentation has some improvement points.
What I liked:
- Great insights on what is great about static analyzers.
- Showcased a few tools that you could use with an advise on where to start
What I'd try to improve:
- Screenshots of CLI tools were unreadable and therefore had no added value except "It's a cli tool"
- You wen't into a lot of detail on which things an analyzer might pick up. This took a lot of time on your presentation but when I read the slide listing them I already knew everything I needed to know. Maybe some real life examples with some code in combination with SOLID / Design Pattern solutions would be nicer.
- Some slides contained a lot of information on their own and then you added even more information on top. I would maybe split the slides and try to fit a narration to it.
- Maybe even add some funny pictures/jokes to make the audience and yourself more comfortable.
All In all I really appreciated the talk and I heard quite a few people who got really excited about static analyzers because of it. So thank you for your talk.
A great talk about the current state of the messenger component. I would've loved more insight on what the future might look like since it's still experimental.
Great talk. The structure of the talk was great. I left feeling like I knew how to use symfony workflows and I'm definitely going to check it out. All in all a well found replacement talk that gave me the knowledge I was hoping for from the first talk.
Great topic and good examples.
Also this is a great addition of "Webpack Encore" presentation.
Very interesting talk showing interesting aspects of using PostgreSQL. The reason for switching from mySQL was answered in the question round but felt like it should've been part of the talk.
Thanks for speaking and shedding light on an interesting subject.