Talk comments

Jenny Shen at 23:09 on 7 Oct 2017

I loved the pasta with chicken, yum :)

on Lunch

Jenny Shen at 23:09 on 7 Oct 2017

I loved everything - lasagna, risotto, roasted pork. Big thumbs up

on Lunch

Jenny Shen at 23:07 on 7 Oct 2017

Morten is a hilarious and very engaging speaker. I loved the Kahoot game and it's a great idea, although I lost very badly. :) The topic is well explained with abundant examples and makes me want to try CSS grids myself although I don't do much front-end in my daily work. This is my personal fav talk of the conference.

Jenny Shen at 23:04 on 7 Oct 2017

Nice slides and animated examples. I also liked how Christoph incorporated stats into the talk. I would have liked to see stats on the platforms of chatbots and their pros and cons of each (for example Telegram bot v.s. Messenger bot, etc - what demographics for each and things to consider for each platform). I personally think this topic would be more suitable as a workshop to get more hands-on experience on how to build/design a chatbot.

Sven Kapudija at 23:01 on 7 Oct 2017

Ivana presented her workflow while working as a remote product designer. I expected much more focus on being remote and challenges that it brings, as the majority of the tools presented are the same while working remote or not (Photoshop vs Sketch, Slack etc.).

Overall great talk, but more focus on actual experiences and less on tools would, in my opinion, provide even better talk :)

Jenny Shen at 23:01 on 7 Oct 2017

I'm really interested in the topic and I liked his slides a lot. Well picked examples and they were a delight to look at. However I would have loved to have some takeaways on exactly how to use animations as a designer. This talk would be perfect as a workshop and as a talk it's more like what animations are.

Sven Kapudija at 22:50 on 7 Oct 2017

Overall great recommendations regarding the reading list for junior/intermediate developers, but I feel it simply stopped there and didn't expand much further. Since it was implemented (reading strategy) just recently, I believe 2 weeks ago, there was no data to back it up or invalidate the proposed solution which was something I was particularly interested in. I believe that the next presentation with same topic will be much better with some feedback data to work upon and draw some conclusions.

Sven Kapudija at 22:45 on 7 Oct 2017

Fluid and overall great presentation describing relationship/s between UI, UX, CX and branding. Well prepared and executed with a lot of practical examples. Well done!

Sven Kapudija at 22:43 on 7 Oct 2017

Great talk! I knew that SVG's are more than just icons, but never really went deep and explored what's in there. Magdalena discovered us some practical uses like image filters & masking/clipping and presented best cases to use the, for majority of us, "advanced" SVG features.

Overall I liked the talk and the presentation was well prepared, Magdalena is definitely expert on the subject and with time presenting skills will improve as well, namely just being more relaxed/comfortable while presenting ?

Sven Kapudija at 22:39 on 7 Oct 2017

Too much content for 25min, although I'm interested in React the talk was a bit hard to follow - too fast with too much things with additional speed-up at the end when presentation time was running out :) Definitely interesting topic, but next time present it maybe in 2x the time, or simplify it even more with just code snippets on the slides. Window switching (and changing commits) was a bit confusing to do live that fast.