Talk comments

Davor Tomic at 09:41 on 8 Oct 2017

Davor Tomic at 09:40 on 8 Oct 2017

While the subject of the talk might not have been everyone's cup of tea, Lucijan's delivery was top notch. The message he shared across - getting active in the community - was very appreciated.

Davor Tomic at 09:31 on 8 Oct 2017

Nela is a true expert in the field of logo design, but also a great lecturer. She prepared lots of high-quality material for the workshop and presented it beautifully. She gave us all a very solid base for further learning about and practicing designing logotypes.

Nice one :)

Emil Nahal at 01:11 on 8 Oct 2017

To the point!

Sven Kapudija at 23:52 on 7 Oct 2017

Interesting dilemmas presented, but was a bit hard to keep track of as in it was a bit confusing to connect all the dots.