Talk comments

Very good talk that gets into the details of unit testing in reality vs. abstract examples. Really appreciate the controller vs model testing.

Some of teorical part basic, however the demo was pretty good, the pace and the style was great.

It was a pretty good stuff, perhaps it should be a 3hr tutorial

One of the best talks at ZendCon 2010. Glad the slides are online because I lost my notes for this session.

This was by far one of the best sessions throughout the entire conference!

I thought this was a great keynote. The direction that Zend is taking is great because it's providing the community with enterprise-level tools that are hard to get otherwise. Plus, it was my first experience with ZendCon.

Thanks for all the feedback guys. Just as an interesting side-point. We discussed the idea of "Here's where this one is great, and where it sucks"

We actually had slides that were supposed to do that. But in the end we realized that there wasn't much to say here. Honestly all product differentiation between the services have been closing, as each product has closed the gaps as it can.

So there isn't really anything that any one 'sucks' at, but just a few more 'tweaks' at others.

Basically: Amazon has lots of related services you can 'also use'. Rackspace doesn't but allows scaling w/o instance recreation (to a degree) and hardware+cloud integration. And MSFT has the whole platform-as-a-service option.

Beyond that, you can use any for any purpose really.

Thanks Christian, learned a lot and passed the 5.3 exam.