Was a pretty good talk, perhaps garbage_collector was missed
i will look at mongoDb with a new approach
The best tutorial of the day
As I tweeted, this was a very informative session. Be aware that I believe the optimal target audience would be those that have looked at Solr before and are aware of what it does and sort of how it does it. Once you are there, the walk-through makes sense. Of course, if you've done anything at all with Solr previously, the walk-through is sort of a very polished review. Either way, it was presented well and covered a lot of ground. Well done.
Insanely informative dude. Awesome presentation.
Great job, very helpful.
I did not like this sesion very much. Even after seeing this session I can't say I know that much more on how to write an efficient search application. I was shown a lot of config files with explanations on what they were suppose to represent and do but having never used it it was very confusing, plus they were hard to read, a pointer usage would have been good.
Great session. I learned a lot. I look forward to reading more about it and trying it out In my work environment.
A great introduction to git ... very basic information on how to use it, but that's about all you can cover in 1 hour :) An all day tutorial would work great :)
Great, now i know how to test my ZF apps