Talk comments

This presentation was in my top-5 favorites. Had just the right level of overview and examples for an introduction to Titanium. I would love to see a similar session done for a mobile app/project, maybe as a tutorial.

Have to agree, this would be better as a tut/workshop, enjoyed the presentation none the less. Looking forward to playing with the sample when I have a moment.

Great overview especially if you are new to 5.3

Same great feedback as the morning presentation: This is a must-attend session if you plan on taking the ZCE exam. Christian does a great job of involving the attendees in the discussion.

This is a must-attend session if you plan on taking the ZCE exam. Christian does a great job of involving the attendees in the discussion.

Very good talk and presentation of Titanium and it's possibilities

Definately one of the best talks I attended

Really inspiring and a good talk. Looking forward to build some mobile apps

Were nice presentation and demo of a really cool extention

Really good speak. I had to make yet another useraccount to review :)
@speaker & @janpolsen - Too bad your considerations were not thought of in a userfriendly way, when a public single sign-on was introduced in Denmark