Talk comments

This talk gave a good insight in the possibilities of the ZF in an enterprise environment. People still limit its usage to MVC applications, but it can power so much more. The story about the traffic cams was very entertaining and triggered inspiration

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I really do appreciate your honesty and for letting me know how the content was perceived. I have made a some notes on what to improve on next time based on these comments.

It probably would have been better if this talk was a tutorial instead of a presentation session to accommodate more people in terms of interest, knowledge level of Solr etc. I agree, the config options slides would have probably been more relevant if it were a tutorial.

Thanks all for your feedback.

Good discussion of strategies, some I've had fun defeating while others have defeated me. Very informative.

Every time I attend one of Stefan's sessions, I'm impressed and learn quite a bit. I'm going to have to rethink a few things here.

Great discussion on community building.. I'm looking forward to the Drupal & PHP communities collaborating more.

Great content.. and as noted during the session, I've experienced this one myself in the dotProject/web2project battle.

You're right.. this was a tutorial and should be one again.

Thanks for the feedback. It is always welcome. :)

The opening keynote dragged. While there was some attempt at excitement, it's just not there. A number of us have been using the "cloud" for years since I first learned about it at ZendCon 2007. The sales side of it was expected and felt forced.

The beginning was a little rough in who was covering what and to what depth.. but once you guys got into the meat of the presentation it was pretty solid.

I think a straight "here's where this one is great & here's where it sucks" would have been a nice addition.

Great tips provided especially for getting sponsors involved in helping cover the costs of having, or hosting a meeting.