Talk comments

Great talk about how to use mongo efficiently. He covered the internals of how indexes actually work and how to make them work best for you. I especially liked his code examples that explained exactly how to do what he was talking about. Definitely one of the most applicable talks this week.

Anonymous at 08:04 on 10 Oct 2013

Speaker was knowledgable, but did not express a lot of excitement. Also it did not seem like the presentation was well rehearsed. Slides at times were very sparse, perhaps they were best for speaker notes and not necessary as a slide. Although there were some good examples that helped to convey the message. Thanks!

Very good talk , will get us going API way...Will love to see how to assist with testing API's

I would like more in depth information, more advanced level. Appreciate the talk, truly. Should contrast the don'ts with do's as well. I would like to see some real world relation with what was done at splunk perhaps...? Thanks!

Liked the detailed description, step-by-step process and sharing the own experience, so we can skip all those hidden underwater stones and make such a process much faster.

Not sure, that after the proposed approach, Magento will really work in all the use cases, because there are very different scenarios, how urls and files are resolved, where they are expected to be located. Passing the smoke test (create product, complete checkout) is not enough - deeper studying of Magento requirements is necessary.

But overall is very useful.

Excellent and helpful info, very relevant. I second the thankfulness of having the slides available early!

Spent too much time explaining the whys, but after a great talk that covered lots of interesting stuff.

Very well presented with lots of good info. Agree with other poster in that example implementations would have been the icing on the cake.

Great talk! So many possibilities with the WebAPI.