Talk comments

This was the presenter's first time given a talk at a conference. Overall the session was good. A bit slow at times and often going off course. I would have liked to have heard more about the issues he had while going mobile. He listed that he still had may things todo, why are these things not done yet? Probably time, but were there other issues?

He went over a lot of points. Really liked it.

The talk directly addressed the ambiguity around the Model and how it interacts in a triad with the V and C. I was reminded of the theoretical importance for models while also seeing the continuum of abstraction. Nice job, educational and addressed a core topic, business logic management and object orchestration.

Great overview and organization of architectural advantages of API first.

Perhaps too much time explaining the problem, which I am aware of already. I would have liked some more real world examples.

Good talk, and I too enjoyed that the talk started out with how not to do things, and why that way would end up in a big ball of mud. By listening to this talk I realized that one of my sites is now in serious need for an architecture change; without it, I'll end up with another ball of mud.

Anonymous at 06:53 on 10 Oct 2013

another great presentation, lots of information, thanks Ben! PS, thank you for having the slides available, makes taking notes easier.

Anonymous at 06:52 on 10 Oct 2013

Great overview! Can't wait to get stated.

Ramsey is an amazing speaker; additionally the material was awesome and the slides are extremely helpful. I think Ramsey does a great job in discussing the points and mentioning great design principles in the same same fashion.

Good talk. Great strategy for legacy code conversion.