Talk comments

Excellent session. Ilya is interesting and knowledgeable. Class was quick-paced, and included the right amount of examples and technical level detail for a 1 hour session.

So just to let you guys know, the sound guys hooked up the mic and I had turned it on. I took the feedback about the microphone back to the sound guys and they adjusted it for the next session. I wish you would have said something to me, I intentionally talked at a normal tone that way I didn't distort the non working speakers.

Anonymous at 13:55 on 9 Oct 2013

Nice talk, interesting subject. Good demos. I just wish he'd gone into more detail on setting up a hub and nodes using Grid. The talk ended pretty early so there was definitely time.

Very nice session, thanks for the well structured presentation.

One of my favorites today. Great info on how to approach factoring with the advice needed to avoid problems.

Epic talk. Good, clean speaker skills.

Good informative talk. Nothing really new for me, but it was good to refresh memory on that topic.

Had lots of good information.

Yes, I agree about the marketing talk part. And the lack of PHP. Still geeky cool info on their infrastructure and philosophy. Will try app engine.