Excellent session. Ordered information from start to finish; huge amounts of knowledge dumped in such a short amount of time.
Great, informative talk. Everything you could have asked for in a short session for such a huge topic. Ilia also handled the Q&A very well.
This was one of the best keynotes I've seen in ages - not only are the gadgets awesome and drool worthy, but the general overview of where computing has come from and where it is going is both awe inspiring and insightful
(and anyone who starts a talk with "I was programming in Fortran and assembly" rocks)
Incredible and informative talk as always.
I have not used PHPUnit, mostly because I still don't understand exactly how to use it. This session will start me on that path.
Will be very useful, especially once I can refer to the slides. Lots of things to add to my application. Talk was very well presented.
Great talk. He explained the way JS implements key OO concepts, and did so with amazing clarity.
Would like to have seen more detail on "The Grid" Overall good presentation
Thorough! also encouraging to know that ZF2 security ican be trusted enough to be resistant.