Talk comments

Enjoyed this talk, looking forward to trying out vagrant and puppet.

Anonymous at 11:40 on 11 Oct 2013

Thanks for the great presentation. You covered a lot of "missing pieces" that are so fundamental, that most presenters totally miss. You got us off to a good start!

Great talk, well presented and interesting.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and fielding my questions.

If I could offer a couple of observations, I would be leary of not going to far off topic or into too much detail into the spam algorithm when telling the stories. Also, maybe re-enforce the importance of having logs, as the cost of doing business.

This gave a lot of good information that I can begin using (or testing out) right away in my current position. A really good talk with useful information. Winning.

The presentation was good and had some good energy to it. The discussions around current devices was definitely interesting and probably nudged some people to buy a few of the new toys.

This gave some good info on new features of both 5.4 and 5.5. Unfortunately, I already got most of this info from the certification boot camp session. So it was a bit redundant for me.

Was very informative and definitely helped a little during the exam. Also gave some good info on php 5.4 and 5.5 features.

Was very informative and definitely helped a little during the exam.