Very deep, informative talk. Topic only for people knowing the internals of PHP.
Really enjoyed this talk. Some interesting ideas presented and loved the shift left philosophy and how and why to test Api responses.
Luis was engaging and knew his subject matter. Maybe some more information in how this diverges or can complement scrum / existing agile teams would not hurt. Overall, great talk.
Great information, authoritative. Thanks!
Great, inspiring talk. I didn't expect to see how to write tests, because this presentation wasn't about it.
Awesome presentation and presentation skills. No one can fall asleep in here. Material was good; however, as a relatively new programmer some more practical examples demonstrations would be helpful. The part where you said, "When I take on a ticket, I write the test first then work on the code until it passes.". Great story... how about showing us what that looks like? Did you create the test? Did the test already exist? How do you do that? Again, you motivate me to want to do it but I need help to get started. I know time is limited and I suppose most here have more experience than me. In any case, thank you, informative and fucking entertaining! (enjoyed the profanity :-) I will check out the books from your "shameless plug".
Very informative. And clearly explained. Thanks!
This was a great talk, It has really motivated me to try to get shit in order at work and change things for the better.
Quite good presentation. Some issues were overstated (like some CSS intricacies that might be of relevance only in some edge cases), but generally good to know about those things when you stumble on problems.