Talk comments

Nice overview, learned some new cool tools

I agree with Giorgio, best talk of the conf

Really interesting and not so common topic. One minor issue: bad readability of some slides with shell commands/output

Nice introduction, some slides were too stuffed with text. The best section was about the use cases for the techniques introduced

Really inspiring, thanks for sharing

Well I'm not going to tell you anything new :-)
The title is misleading, even after reading the explanation i'm not totally convinced about using the term "concurrent".
The presentation itself is a nice introduction about BDD, a bit basic for non newcomers. Practice a bit more and things will get better :-)

A lot of topics for the time available. I enjoyed the first part of the talk while I found the second one a bit hard to follow. +1 for the demo

Good explanation. The topic wasn't new to me so I found the pace ok

Good overview of the next zend framework version, though a bit incomplete since some topics are still in discussion (not speaker fault :-))

well delivered talk, lot of useful informations