Talk comments

Great workshop (and great talk as well).

Riste Sam at 11:30 on 18 Apr 2018

Best presentation attended! I would really like the presentation slides if possible. Thanks!

I really appreciate the honesty of the speaker. He deliver his presentation in a really funny way. I wish there were a microphone in the room and more time to listen to him.

Very interesting topic. Unfortunately Jessica Jordan was speaking very quickly and I couldn't not follow every aspect.

I am impressed that the speaker is not a proffessional in the Machine Learning but delivered this presentation anyway.If I were Lian I would simplify my speech next time.

The presentation was quite good.

There’s no doubt that this was the best presentation I attended. Dave Hogue explained everything very clear.

It was really fun talk. The speaker engaged the audiance.

The idea seems good, but it wasn't presented well.