This talk inspired me to put pair programming finally into practice. Waltz, tacit knowkedge and introver-extrovert pairing are new concepts I take with me. Fancy slides btw!!
Maybe change the title to 'API driven design'? If you're not keen on the term 'Service Oriented Architecture'. I think you were correct in identifying that PHP programmers don't like 'Enterprise' :)
Over all I liked the talk. I liked your real world example. Good presentation style.
You can not squish 3 hours of material in 45 minutes.
Your opening slide looked absolutely horrendous (but I suppose that was the point?). It's fine to say you don't like Powerpoint but then you have to come up with something better. What you used instead looked like it was designed by a 15 year old who learned some 'cool CSS tricks' back in 2005 when rounded corners were hip. I understand you may need some functionality that Powerpoint doesn't have, but this was just not very good at all.
Live demos are hard to do well. We don't really care that your query ran in exactly 0.14s, we'll take your word for it, just show us how you did it. Show us the difference between `big1` and `big2`.
You seem to have a lot of expert knowledge on database systems, show us more of that and less messing about copy pasting queries in a command line.
I liked the opening slides of 'what is a dependency'.
I do feel like the real-world examples were unnecessary. The interface mistake in Symfony looks more like a bad refactor (find-replace) than a real mistake. And Zend\Crypt just looks poorly designed.
I think you could add some made up examples that look like cases you found in the real-world, but are simplified. We just want to know how to spot the smells, not rant at how bad other people's code is.
I like how you handled questions from the audience.
I did notice a lack of a promised 'physical reaction' to seeing bad code, but I'll chalk that up to good presentation skills ;)
I wasn't expecting such a strong focus on PHP's compiler but a good talk regardless.
Good talk. I liked the real world example.
Good talk. I liked the focus on testing. I think you dealt with the questions from the audience nicely.
Funnily presented real world high traffic problems and some nice solutions too. Enjoyed it a lot.
Interesting topic, it was a bit hard to follow sometimes (please make the code font bigger next time), but overall well explained and useful.