Great talk giving more insight in the internal workings of PHP.
Very interesting project, and awesome talk to go with it. Perfect for these looking to learn the basics of PHP-Internals.
Very interesting talk. Context is key, but there is only one web.
Perhaps in future the question should be not what's your favorite version of HTML, but your favorite version of MarioKart
I found this workshop very informative; I now have a much clearer grasp of how PHP allocates memory, and of the overall role of the Zend Memory Manager.
The only hiccup was with an attendee who brought a 32-bit system and could not install the 64-bit VM. However, Julien walked us through completing each exercise on the display, so I don't think anyone was unable to follow along and learn something.
Good overview of the new features of MySQL 5.6 and the native driver. I also liked the slide about the JSMysqlndBundle that I was not aware of :)
Brilliant talk. Everything was crystal clear :)
very interesting to see where mysql is heading. also i learned we might better use mysqli instead of pdo for our mysql specific applications
Excellent talk, full of real-world examples of domain models (except for the missing slide!). Mathias' answers to some tough audience questions were spot on as well. Thanks!