Good intro talk. Would love to see a more in-depth talk on the subject from the speaker.
Terrific talk! Very entertaining and engaging.
This woke everyone up after an exhausting two (three?) days, with an amazingly funny talk. And while it's about programming, it's so far removed from my dayjob that it widens my perspective about what can be done with code. I'd say this is *exactly* what a closing keynote should be about.
Oh yeah, and he stuck in some advice as well, bonus points!
Good introduction to IOC, using a real-world example. Also: good job of forcing the Dutch to raise their hands and answer questions ;-)
This talk was really on the money. We've been going through the same motions (implementing the process without really grasping the 'framework for making decisions' part), but I really agree with the conclusions. The slides where good, the delivery was good... Justin nailed it!
I think this talk needs a split between live coding and some form of automated code examples. The live coding at the start is good, to get a real feel of the tiny steps needed to properly refactor (without tests). But once that point is driven home, a recording of "live coding" would suffice. That would guarantee that there are no typo's, no confusing backtracks and more importantly, more pace to reach the end of the material.
On the subject: Mind blown. Also: Mathias has an enery and capacity for transerring enthousiasm that makes him an excellent technical speaker. If you have the chance to see him speak, do *not* miss it.
Great tool! From the title, I didn't expect the talk to include an actual product, especially one that rocks...
I like your style, really laid back - perhaps a little too much at certain points, resulting in less-understandable mumbling (that would be the only improvement I can think of).
This subject deserves more fire, there's so much that can be done besides the text-book example of a chat server. Also, I think Steve wasn't really into the talk which made for a tiresome and hard to follow delivery (disclaimer: I sat on the floor so that was tiresome by itsself).
Finally, I would have liked the parts of the code that demanded attention at a certain time to be highlighted. I'ts really hard to read back to back slides of code and understand what the speaker is saying.
I did like the effects on the slides (zooming into a slide to get the next one), that gave a good flow.
It was a fantastic workshop. Having three people to ask questions was a really good move.
My only suggestion for the speaker is to have a look at the timing. We got plenty of time for the first part (generating events) but the parts after that (identifying commands and business rules) felt a little rushed. That can be a bit problematic since creating aggregates relies on having a few good combinations of events/commands/rules on the board.