Talk comments

It's insane how much gold Mathias can deliver in a 15 minute lightning talk. His passion combined with the subject matter of his talk(s) makes for 5 thumbs up *every friggin' time*.

Although I have read "Understanding Computation" and saw some material on this subject, because of Igor's own particular style and humor, I still very much enjoyed this talk. Highly recommended! But I still didn't give a max rating, because I think the explanation of the halting problem needs just a few more steps to explain it more clearly. Especially since this is near the end of the presentation, it should leave less people in the audience with a feeling of lack of understanding.

I enjoyed this talk a lot - especially since it included hacklang. Alexander makes very nice and clear slides + short live demo's, and delivers the message well. I like the pre/post messages stating what he's hoping to accomplish with the talk, it gives clarity on what to expect.
If I *had* to provide a tip for improving the talk: maybe, just maybe, a little more humor.


Mind blown (in a good way). What more can I say? Igor's talks are always a pleasure.

This talk was particularly intriguingy, though like Gary, I was lost at the x(x) thing. Not sure if that was my feeble brain just being insufficient, or if there might be a more clear way to cover that part.

Evan is obviously comfortable on stage, and he knows how to deliver a punchline. The advice (nurishing your side projects) is simple and with his success story easy to understand.
I do feel, however, that the massive success at a very young age kind of undermines the message as well, because everything you do at that age is a 'side project'. I got a certain 'but that's not me' feeling that took away a little bit of the inspiration that belongs in a keynote...

Very good talk.

I've attended it after attending the PhpSpec one, so got a more complete understanding of a possible toolset (for communication, design, validation).

Plus, during conversation with Tobias, I had an opportunity to ask couple of questions regarding general workflow, which cleared up things even more.

So, now I plan to spend more time evaluating all three tools (phpspec, behat, mink). Which is a nice outcome of attending a conference talk, don't you think?

What they said about the speed ;) The content was exactly what I needed. I'm a pure backend dev so it was good to catch up on the tools and how they compare to the PHP tools.

Awesome presentation skills! You can see that you're so comfortable in front of a crowd while still sticking to your true self; impressive. The topic was fun too. We all recognised the situations, we've all been there and you gave some pretty helpful pointers.

Good to hear some academic approach to this issue. Very relevant and well presented.

Don't know if it would help the goal of your presentation but maybe mix in some practical situations as well. I know this talk represents the ideal situation but as you also know, we don't live in that world all the time :) You could show us how to know the rules but to then break them in moderation?

For me the most interesting talk of the conference! Just because it offers such a different view on data than we're used to, it grabbed me and I'm still obsessed with the idea. Also very well presented with understandable simple code examples and a relaxed attitude.