I should have read the excerpt a bit better before joining in with this talk. As someone already being a team lead I was hoping for some insights I had not run into myself, which it didn't contain. But that's purely from my perspective, I can totally see this talk being helpful for someone the talk is targeted at.
Nice and interesting content, good mix between practical an theoretical. No reason to be nervous next time, you did a good job in my opinion.
Good speaker, excellent content. Too bad there wasn't enough time to go in deeper. Not trying to force PHP in the mix felt like a breath of fresh air to me! Keep it up!
Interesting talk, with some good ideas for working with legacy projects
Great Talk! Very helpfull things about debugging that will be helpfull and i didn't know yet
Great perspective on the real world problems that affect legacy projects, aside from the code
Nice and inspiring talk.
Really good talk, good presentation. Stuff that I is really usefull for my day to day stuff.
Great talk
Unfortunately not too much new content in there for me. I think this exact same presentation could've been given 2 years ago. Nonetheless, if you're not yet familiar with Hack, definitely worth it.