Talk comments

Ben Dechrai at 03:14 on 5 Jul 2017

I loved Michiel's talk, it was both pertinent to a current client of mine, as well as brilliantly presented. The talk provided a plethora of actionable information, which I found extremely digestible, well paced, and intertwined with a good mixture of humour :)

Ben Dechrai at 03:11 on 5 Jul 2017

As an ardent privacy advocate in Australia, I was looking forward to this talk, and hearing about the European aspects and changes to privacy principles, and I was delighted with the information Marcus provided. He succinctly detailed both historical and current trends in relation to legislation and regulations, and their implications on businesses and the public.

Ben Dechrai at 03:06 on 5 Jul 2017

While I was concerned for the first 5 minutes that Joe was unaware that the slides weren't showing, once I realised he was intentionally going without projected material it became much easier to focus.

I personally enjoy distraction free talks, without supporting material; sometimes having slides for the sake of having slides can seem unnecessary. However, I also understand that different people have different learning modalities (visual, auditory, hands-on, etc). Having read some of the other feedback here, I would agree that slides could help those who need them. It could also assist those for whom English is not their native language.

The content of the talk was great, and I loved the way Joe took us through a journey of the mind, and mind-hop of thoughts and issues, and ways we can address them. It was a great way to start the conference. Thanks Joe!

Sascha Knodel at 17:36 on 4 Jul 2017

It was 59 Tips & Tricks ;-)
Very helpful!

Can you upload your slides somewhere?

Sjoerd Maessen at 15:13 on 4 Jul 2017

A very "honest" talk with some interesting points. I liked how you made the talk personal.

Ruben Beekman at 14:40 on 4 Jul 2017

Very clear, good pace and left there with a smile on my face while having learned a lot about how to do shit right.

Thijs at 14:07 on 4 Jul 2017

Great talk, good delivery and pace and kept everybody on board.
The history timeline on the development of SSL and introduction of TLS was well done.

Thijs at 13:59 on 4 Jul 2017

I think the talk could use more depth on comparison with other big data management options like Hbase, Redis Cluster, MongoDb etc. Complementing stuff like Hadoop and hive would have been nice.
To me the talk was not really about time series, it just happened to be used in the examples.
Presentation delivery and pace were great! Thank you for a good talk

Great talk.
For me, Michiel is the type of speaker that makes it worthwhile to visit a conference: clear message, brought with confidence, humor and some good practice suggestions to take back home. ;)