Talk comments

I was mostly going to more technical talks, so this one was refreshing for me. Very interesting, bound to get even more relevant as time goes on and the average age of developers goes up. Some questions were left to ourselves to answer, which was the point. Enjoyed listening to the speaker on the Panel as well.

Great talk, presented in a very engaging and relevant way. Examples were spot-on, wish I had seen this talk 3 years ago! Most BDD/DDD talks don't go into small actionable examples like this one, it was great. No questions after the talk, in reality it was very clear, not much to add. Would like to hear more from the speaker.

Milan Rasljic at 21:02 on 2 Dec 2018

Good presentation. Basic Git stuff. Well presented and explained.

Milan Rasljic at 21:01 on 2 Dec 2018

Very nice presentation. I think that everybody could relate to the examples and topic.

Very interesting talk, and good entry level material(I think?) to a very complex topic. Real-world example that was easy to follow. The speaker came well-prepared, but has to work a bit on his energy and tone while presenting, to keep up the focus of the audience, but I'm sure that will get better with more talks presented. Looking forward to see more from the speaker!

Milan Rasljic at 20:58 on 2 Dec 2018

It took a bit longer, but it held our attention the whole time because the panalists(all 4 of them) were interesting and funny, with good replies. The cards thing was a nice and effective touch.

Excellent synergy with the other mysql talk that came before it. No overlap in content, but still related.
Heard about a lot of new things, which was the point, as the speaker said, Got quality notes out of this one, and it was very fun to listen to.

He crammed so much info into a single talk, it's amazing. Especially given the complexity of the topic. On this one I took the most notes (of things to look up), which means it was very informative. Lots of links in the slides for advanced topics, which add value to the talk. One of the best talks on the conf, at least for someone interested in the topic.

Milan Rasljic at 20:53 on 2 Dec 2018

Agree with decoupling and the rest of points in the lecture.

Milan Rasljic at 20:50 on 2 Dec 2018

Ok lecture. Just needs a bit better presentation (make it a bit more fun so it could hold the audience focus).